Stemedix Review: Lou K. (Myrtle Beach, SC)
I have just passed my 3 month mark of my infusion of Stem Cells for my COPD. What a difference it has made in my life already and the best is yet to come. I am still using my Trelegy like before the infusion, but have not had to use any Albuterol during the day as I did prior. I can now already play golf without being winded. Prior to the infusion I used to play and get out of breath and use Albuterol 2-3 times. In the past month, due to wet conditions I even played "cart paths only" which I could not even think of doing before. To give you a better idea, I went to Lowes yesterday and picked up 12 bags of Pine Bark Mulch for my beds around the house. I told my wife I would just put 6 out yesterday and 6 today. I put all twelve out, trimmed and edged my lawn and cut the grass on my riding mower and then blew off the debris without taking a break. I have 2 Pulmonary doctors, one from the Veterans Administration, and a private doctor at...