Stemedix Review: Dwight M. (Sequim, WA)
"My name is Dwight and I am an Air Force retiree. I retired in 1983, in 1984 I was diagnosed as a diabetic at that time I was 40 years old Now that I am 76 years of age and totally disabled due to a product called agent orange the results were that I became a type two diabetic . I also ended up with kidney failure deep vein Trumbosis and swelling in the legs high cholesterol high blood pressure just to mention a few . I needed 100% of symptoms which are unrepairable to qualify for 100% VA pension, I have the equivalent of 220% much more than I need. I researched many companies for the last six years who offers stem cell transplant and by far STEMEDIX is the best and most professional . The Stemedix Team based in Miami Florida are the coordinators who guide you medically to assist you inqualifing for the stem cell transplant prosses. My wife Trudy and myself both needed stem cell transplant. We chose to go to Costa Rica for the simple reason that Costa Rica has the most qualified d...